Community Investments
Akiptan is the Lakota word for “working together, in a cooperative effort.” Akiptan strives to provide fair financing to Native American agriculture operations throughout Indian Country. As a Native CDFI, Akiptan offers financing for startups, operating capital, ownership, capital purchases, etc.. Akiptan not only provides fair lending, but also works with clients to create future goals for their operations and a plan on how to get there.
The mission of the Citizen Potawatomi Community Development Corporation is to finance, promote, educate, and inspire the entrepreneurial growth, economic opportunity, and financial well-being of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Tribal Community and other under-served Native populations through Financial Education, Access to Capital, Business Development Services, Innovative Capacity Building Practices, and Community Development Initiatives.
Cook Inlet Lending Center (CILC), a Cook Inlet Housing Authority non-profit social enterprise, is a Native Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that helps Alaska Native/American Indians as well as low to modest income families to purchase homes in Alaska who experience a lack of access to affordable financial products and services.
The Council for Native Hawaiian Advancement (CNHA) is a member-based 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to enhance the cultural, economic, political, and community development of Native Hawaiians. CNHA provides access to capital, financial education, and individualized financial counseling services, with a focus on low and moderate-income families. Recognized as a National Intermediary, CNHA provides grants and loans targeting underserved communities in Hawaiʻi. CNHA cultivates community loan funds to catalyze capacity building and promotion of minority-owned asset advancement towards financial sustainability and community contribution.
Offers tailored growth capital and strategic guidance to innovative impact businesses in order to scale and optimize their financial, environmental and social performance, primarily in Central and South America.
First Nations Community Financial (FNCF) provides opportunities for members of the Native Community. It also makes available financial education and coaching, credit counseling, technical support and other programs and services exclusively for Community members. It is one of four Native CDFI’s that partner to create WIBA-Wisconsin Indian Business Alliance, and currently partners with the Ho-chunk Nation and Ho-Chunk Housing and Community Development Agency to provide a wide range of services and financial products, including mortgage lending, for the Communities and its members.
Supports economic growth in Native American communities across the nation through the creation, development, and capitalization of Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).
Serving primarily the Cheyenne River Sioux Reservation in the areas of small business development, business lending, financial empowerment, and homeownership, Four Bands utilizes a model called Icahya Woecun (The Place to Grow). This holistic approach, based on Lakota values, offers four dimensions of services; Education, Incubation, Financing, and Advocacy. Four Bands’ mission is to expand prosperity to individuals and families, translating into broader scale economic progress by creating jobs and improving financial capability in the Native communities they serve. By investing in those who don’t have ready access to financial resources, Four Bands strives to break the cycle of poverty.
Improving the social and economic conditions of the four Native American tribes in Maine — the Maliseet, Micmac, Passamaquoddy, and Penobscot — through education and investment in affordable housing, tribal business ventures, and Native entrepreneurship. Achieved by increasing homeownership among tribal members, improving the quality of housing for Native American people, increasing the number of Native-owned businesses, raising the levels of financial literacy among tribal members, building the business skills of Native American entrepreneurs, and attracting and leveraging capital to Indian Country.
Haa Yakaawu Financial Corporation (HYFC) is a subsidiary of the Tlingit Haida Regional Housing Authority (THRHA) based in Juneau Alaska. THRHA has been working since 1973 to meet the affordable housing needs of individuals and families in Southeast Alaska. THRHA’s certified CDFI, HYFC, is committed to helping Southeast Alaskans reach their goals as home buyers and owners, through flexible home mortgage loans, home renovation loans, and personalized financial counseling. In addition, HYFC’s Small Dollar Credit Builder Loan Program helps Southeast Alaskan Citizens to establish and improve credit. These programs support THRHA’s mission of connecting Southeast Alaskans with sustainable housing opportunities and innovative financial solutions.
Hawaii Community Lending (HCL) is a certified native Community Development Financial Institution that provides access to credit and capital to underserved communities in Hawaii with a particular focus on Native Hawaiians. HCL is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hawaiian Community Assets, Hawaii’s largest nonprofit, HUD-approved housing counseling agency. Together, the organizations build the capacity of low- and moderate-income communities to achieve and sustain economic self-sufficiency by creating opportunities for economic empowerment that help stabilize family life and a more sustainable community.
Founded in 2009, the Homestead CDC nonprofit’s mission is to develop affordable housing and economic opportunities on or near the trust lands of the native Hawaiian people, known as “homesteads” or Hawaiian Home Lands. Focused on affordable rental housing, and on assisting families to purchase and own tiny homes as a starter home or a home addition to support multi-generational households.
“Strengthening Native Communities and Cultures through Land Acquisition.” Indian Land Capital Company’s (ILCC) mission is to help Native nations recover, manage and gain jurisdiction over 90 million acres of alienated tribal land; to assist Native nations in consolidating undivided interests in land with fractionated ownership; to eliminate “checkerboarding” (mixed patterns of land ownership and jurisdictions) on Indian reservations; to strengthen tribal communities and sovereignty.
Since inception in 2006, LCDFI’s vision set out to create “a vibrant, resilient economy supporting our community’s spiritual and economic wellbeing.” This non-profit Native CDFI has focused on serving the tribal small business and entrepreneurs beginning within Lummi Nation and extending into the region. LCDFI was established because there was a need recognized in the community for access to capital for tribal small business, and for Native individuals and families to establish and build credit and financial wellness based on traditional, cultural and community values as created by the first peoples of the Pacific Northwest.
Providing alternative financing opportunities and financial literacy education for Native American individuals, youth, agricultural businesses and small businesses in and near the seven Indian Reservations of Montana.
N.A.B. is a one-of-kind institution built on the premise that the best way to deliver banking to the underbanked in Indian Country is to come together and create the nation’s only multi-tribally owned Bank, specializing in the needs and opportunities in Indian Country. Native American Bank (N.A.B.) is dedicated to being an Agent of Change, re-writing how Native Communities access banking services. Founded to create Economic Sovereignty within Indian Country and chartered as a national community development focused bank, N.A.B. is also a certified Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI), offering Certificates of Deposit, a variety of business and personal checking, savings, and money market accounts, and business and personal loan products.
Native CDFI providing community development, small business and affordable housing loans for tribes and Native entrepreneurs working to build tribal economies in the U.S. Southwest.
Native Conservancy (NC) is the very first Native-led, Native-owned land conservancy in the United States. It exists to protect and restore Alaska Native ecosystems for coastal communities. NC’s central thread is Community Resiliency, and its programs include Social Enterprise, Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Landback and Land Conservation, and Oceanback and Habitat Restoration. Under Social Enterprise there are two main categories – those related to kelp farming, and those related to boat building.
In partnership with NDN Collective, NC started Giyah Boat Company in 2022 to help reclaim Indigenous ownership and build toward regenerative futures. Giyah builds and sells affordable safe boats so that Native people and fisherpeople can get out and back safely from ocean outings, whether for recreation, subsistence, or commercial purposes, includingharvesting their traditional foods and kelp.
Native360 Loan Fund’s mission is to provide affordable credit, capital, technical assistance and related programs to help build strong and self-sufficient Native American business owners and families. Serving members of all tribes in its Nebraska, Iowa and southeast South Dakota service area.
Navajo Power Home was established with the vision to bring power to all Navajo homes that are searching for a high-quality, consistent electricity service. Navajo Power Home is a collaboration between Navajo Power, a utility-scale solar developer, and iluméxico, a solar service provider for off-grid households in Mexico and Colombia.
The Northwest Native Development Fund seeks to foster economic and financial independence for Native people by assisting in the development of personal assets through financial and entrepreneurial education as well as providing access to capital through creative lending products. NNDF promotes this mission by increasing home ownership and economic opportunities.
People’s Partner for Community Development (PPCD) is a Native-led non-profit CDFI serving the communities of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation in Montana. PPCD helps create a stronger reservation economy while maintaining strong connections to their land, their traditional values, and their cultural history. PPCD provides financial opportunities to stimulate economic development by promoting self-sufficiency, self-determination and an enhanced quality of life for the reservation communities. PPCD offers the tools, resources and training to help individuals, families and entrepreneurs create better lives and a stronger community.
The Raven Indigenous Impact Fund focuses on bringing flexible patient capital to invest with Indigenous social enterprises and community-owned enterprises in Canada that are at an early-and-growth stage. The Fund screens Enterprises through a unique Indigenous impact lens, enabling them to access resources and opportunities needed to succeed through a trusted partner. The Fund represents a sustainable, values-driven approach to poverty reduction and community resilience that will directly contribute to the development of an Indigenous middle class.
Supplying smallholder agricultural businesses in some of the world’s most vulnerable communities with financial capital and training to help them grow – raising incomes and creating jobs, empowering women and young people, sustaining peace, and preserving threatened ecosystems.
The San Carlos Apache Tribe Relending Enterprise is a Native CDFI serving members of the San Carlos Apache Tribe by offering Business, Home Improvement, and Personal loan products. Its mission is to increase economic activity and employment on the San Carlos Apache Reservation by assisting Tribal Members with access to Small Business/Consumer loan products and education opportunities related to financial literacy, credit coaching, business start-up, expansion, or the purchase of existing business and community development projects.
Spruce Root provides local entrepreneurs with access to business development and financial resources in the form of loan capital, business coaching, workshops, and competitions. Together, these programs support both new and existing businesses in Southeast Alaska and empower business owners through increased self-sufficiency. We amplify our Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimshian ancestral imperative to ensure Southeast Alaska thrives for future generations. We are a driver of a regenerative economy across Southeast Alaska so communities can forge futures grounded in this uniquely Indigenous place.
Building a sustainable future that will empower Indigenous Peoples to create change consistent with Lakȟóta and Dakȟóta values: Community Development, Food Sovereignty, Youth Development, Language and Culture, Partner Initiatives and Fiscal Sponsorship.
Thunder Valley CDC is a Lakota-run grassroots Community Development Corporation on the Pine Ridge Reservation. The 34 acre development uses a multifaceted approach to ultimately create a vibrant and healthy community as a means to alleviate poverty and create systemic change.
A non-profit entity whose mission is to promote the economic growth of the Isleta Pueblo Community by creating homeownership and small business opportunities for the Isleta community. TLS operates under the governance of a 5-member Board of Directors made up of Isleta tribal members and business professionals. TLS currently operates out of the Tribal Administration Office in Isleta, New Mexico.
Focused on helping create new jobs, improving community life, and providing assistance to Native American Communities in Minnesota, particularly the White Earth Indian Reservation. Through homebuyer education, individual homeownership advising, financial counseling, business lending, tax preparation support and other efforts, White Earth Investment Initiative provides financial tools and knowledge to individuals, families, communities, and businesses.
Wolakota is a project of the Rosebud Economic Development Corporation (REDCO), which is the wholly owned economic development arm of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe. REDCO is bringing Tatanka back to the people as a way to realize our vision of a healthy, helpful, and safe Oyate (nation).
REDCO is converting 28,000 acres of Rosebud Sioux Tribal lands from cattle to bison. The return of the bison will protect and strengthen the prairie ecosystem and create cultural opportunities for our community. As Lakota, we believe we are all related and it is our duty to create a better world for future generations.